Focus and Approach
Totoe Legal Service was established in 1981 by the late Thomas Asamoah Totoe after several years in active practice with other partners.
We focus strongly on the needs of our clients and their businesses.
We understand the needs of the client, especially the corporate and commercial client, who requires rapid response to resolution of their matters.
We understand that our clients require innovative legal solution to their problems. They require a full understanding of their business needs and expect the appropriate advice.
As a solution oriented Firm geared towards efficiency and accessibility we offer a wide range of services.
With the assistances of our Associates we are able to respond swiftly to the call of our clients and address their needs. Even though a Kumasi based firm, due to the number of lawyers we are able to represent our clients effectively in any part of the country. Having the understanding of the current economic trend of the country we are able to strike a very good balance between appropriate legal services and cost efficiency.